The 2001 excavation in Group III, one of the three main central platform groups, sought to test the hypothesis that buildings on this platform housed the local elite. Removal of rubble from Structure 43 revealed a 20-m long building containing four rooms. The central room was occupied by a sequence of three consecutive masonry thrones, the earliest of which (FIGURE 1) was tucked against the south wall and was decorated with an overhanging cornice and two large, red-painted, tapered false legs in stucco relief. Its style imitates the rare carved stone thrones found at Piedras Negras and Palenque. A later red-painted bench, perpendicular to the first, occupied the main eastern axis of the room, thus allowing its occupant to be seen from outside. The third bench in the sequence abutted the second, in the doorway leading to the western room, and was also decorated with modelled false legs. Four cord-holders behind this bench suggested a cloth or pelt stretched behind the occupant. Northern and southern rooms were later added, each with a large bench with sloping armrests, and enlarged by multiple additions,...
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