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Chera Chola Pandya History In Tamil Pdf 19: The Rise and Fall of the Three Great Dynasties of South


"India had a tradition of learning andscholarship much older and vaster than theEuropean countries that, from the sixteenthcentury onwards, became its political masters.Indian scholars are rewriting the history ofIndia today. One of the major points of revisionconcerns the so called 'Aryan invasion theory',often referred to as 'colonial-missionary',implying that it was the brainchild of conquerorsof foreign colonies who could not but imaginethat all higher culture had to come from outside'backward' India, and who likewise assumed that areligion could only spread through a politicallysupported missionary effort.

The Aryans, who spoke the Sanskrit language,pushed the Dravidians down into south India. Today8 of the languages of northern and western India(including Hindi) are of Sanskrit origin, butSanskrit itself is only spoken by Hindu Brahmanpriests in temple worship and by scholars. Insouthern India, 4 languages of Dravidian origin arespoken today. Tamil is the oldest of these.The History of Tamil Nadu begins with the 3kingdoms, Chera, Chola and Pandya,which are referred to in documents of the 3rdcentury BC. Some of the kings of these dynastiesare mentioned in SangamLiterature and the age between the 3rd centuryBC and the 2nd century AD is called the Sangam Age.At the beginning of the 4th century AD the Pallavasestablished their rule with Kanchipuram as their capital. Theirdynasty, which ruled continously for over 500years, left a permanent impact on the history ofTamil Nadu, which was during this period virtuallycontrolled by the Pallavas in the north and thePandyas in the south.In the middle of the 9th century a Chola rulerestablished what was to become one of India's mostoutstanding empires on account of itsadministrative achievements (irrigation, villagedevelopment) and its contributions to art andliterature. The Age of the Cholas is considered thegolden age of Tamil history.Towards the end of the 13th century the Cholas wereoverthrown by the later Pandyas who ruled for abouta century and were followed by the VijayanagaraDynasty, whose greatest ruler was Krishnadeva Raya(1509-1529), and the Nayaks of Madurai andTanjore.

Chera Chola Pandya History In Tamil Pdf 19

The late poet Subramanya Bharathi started a new era in the history of poetry. He used poetry as an instrument to arouse patriotism and he was successful in this to a great extent. His poetry went not only to the hands of scholars but also to the hands of common people. The complete works of Bharati were published under the title Bharathiyar Kavithaikal (paaratiyaar Kavitaikal). Among his works Kannan Pattu (kannan paattu), Kuyil Pattu (kuyil Paattu) and Panchali Sabadham (paancaali capatam) are outstanding. 2ff7e9595c

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