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A Walk to Remember Hindi Dubbed Torrent: How to Get the Movie that Will Make You Cry


MAN cries at the time of birth. Also at the time of his death. During the interval, he strives and struggles. To acquire more of worldly possessions. To have wealth and be wealthy. Today, the craze is in the air. It commences in the cradle. The boy wants his toy. At school, it is education. Then the job. Followed by marriage, family and children. Then the settling of children. And before one realises, it is old age and the end.How many happiness does a man enjoy during the decades of this earthly existence? How many times does he really laugh? Does he ever stand and stare? In fact, he spends more time in crying than in laughing or even smiling. Why? Because we make life a long struggle. For we have come to believe that possession of property alone can pave the path to peace.Success is not a universal rule. Everyone does not achieve everything. When faced with failure, man begins to find fault with others. The parents, teachers, friends and foes. All alike. Finally, even with God. Why did He not give everything at the opportune time? Why was He so unjust and unkind to me? Man does not thank Him for all that he has got. He does not thank God for all His mercies. He does not recall the good that others have done to him. He curses and criticises everyone for all that he wished for but did not get.Look within. Do some introspection. Recall the good that you have done to others during the decades of your life on this planet. Did you do anything to give happiness to anyone? To give a simple to a sad face? Did you lend a helping hand to the man who was feeling helpless? Did you walk even a step with the man who was sad and lonely? Did you care for anyone in need? No! You were guided by your greed. Then, why do you cry?We can reap only what we sow. Our deeds are the seeds. If we grow cacti, we shall have thorns. If we give unhappiness, we cannot be happy at heart. We get what we give. Love begets love. Smile. Others shall smile with you. But if you are always wanting and never giving, you may be left groping. Without getting.I look at myself. Always competitive. Never contented. Always wanting more. Never giving anything to anyone. Now, how can I blame others? We are all runners on the road of life. Everyone runs the race. In the hope of getting to the goal and grabbing everything. Me too. But others ran faster. They were stronger. Thus, they won. I was weak. So, I was left behind. I cannot blame them for my failure. All mortals must realise this truth and accept it. For their own good.And as this realisation comes, the anger begins to go. I am at peace with myself. Also with the world. I begin to feel relaxed. And stronger. In body and mind. The smile returns. I am happy. The foes of yesterday begin to look like friends of today. It seems like a new world. Slowly, the things improve.Peace of mind is the greatest blessing. One should stay calm and cool. In speech and in action. Also in thought. And just as the smallest piece of grit can ruin a good dish, a bad thought can disturb the man's mind. Let us also remember that the whole world's wealth cannot guarantee peace. If at all you get it, the 'Sampatti' (wealth) can become the cause of 'Aapatti' (trouble). Even health, wealth and comforts of life cannot ensure peace. It has to come from within. By reducing needs. Shedding wants.In life, everything cannot be as one wants or wishes. Some adjustment is inevitable. Man cannot change circumstances. Nor others. But he can change himself. He can cultivate contentment. Stay satisfied. There will be a natural smile on the face. And peace of mind all the time. When at peace, life in a hut can be like heaven on earth. The poor man's cottage can become better than a prince's palace.Cultivate self-control. Learn to control the desires. Even the desire to have a particular kind of food. Apply brakes to the wandering mind. Make it obey your dictates. Follow the directions.Do not be a slave to anything. Be the master of everything. Learn to live with the world. As it is. Within what you have. Satisfied with what He has given you.See good in everything. In everyone. Admire and appreciate. Do not criticise or deprecate. Look at a flower. Imagine it to be the most beautiful thing in the world. Look a the plate of food lying in front of you. Feel as if it is pure nectar. Enjoy nature. The hills, mountains and rivers. The flora and fauna. The sights and sounds. As if, nature has made all this for you. It is all yours. The thought itself shall be satisfying. It shall generate peace.Do not get attached to anything. The moment, a feeling of attachment comes, just withdraw. Start everyday as a new life. End the day as if you have achieved all that you had wanted. Thank people for their kindness. Seek God's forgiveness for the faults. Feel as if you are lying in His lap. Surrender is the secret.And then remember that even if you do everything right, the world shall still criticise. Ignore them. Do not retaliate. Do not find fault with anyone. Develop tolerance. Be tolerant. The higher the level of learning, greater shall be the capacity to tolerate. More shall be the peace within.Try. You will not regret it. In fact, slowly the wants shall be reduced. Worries shall vanish. You will be on the path to peace. Here shall be peace within. Also around you. The world shall be a happier place to live in.

a walk to remember hindi dubbed torrent


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